Cheating in the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita, 2023: Understanding the Law and Its Implications

Image of Lady of Justice. Text overlay says 'Cheating in BNS'

In the intricate realm of legalities, Section 318 of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita (BNS) stands as a sentinel against deceptive practices. As of the latest update on December 24, 2023, this section casts a wide net, defining and penalizing acts of cheating that result in harm to an individual’s body, mind, reputation, or property. In the Indian Penal Code, cheating was defined under from section 415 to section 420.

Unraveling the Definition

The essence of Section 318 revolves around fraudulent inducement through deceit, leading to the delivery of property or the consent for its retention. The intentional manipulation of a person, causing them to act in a way they wouldn’t if not deceived, forms the crux of what the statute terms as “cheating.”

Explanation: Dishonest concealment of facts becomes a deceptive act within the purview of this section, reinforcing the intent to safeguard against cunning stratagems.


(a) A vivid scenario unfolds where an individual, A, masquerades as a Civil Service official, tricking Z into extending credit for goods with no intention of repayment. This deliberate deception constitutes cheating.

(b) Another instance involves A affixing a counterfeit mark on an article, leading Z to believe it originates from a renowned manufacturer. A exploits this deception, persuading Z to purchase the item and make payment—a classic case of cheating.

(c) Deceptive displays, such as showcasing a false sample to induce a purchase, find a place in this section. A, by presenting an inaccurate sample, convinces Z to buy an article, a deceptive act constituting cheating.

(d) The intentional issuance of a bill without funds to cover it, with the foreknowledge of its dishonor, serves as another facet of cheating. A dupes Z into delivering an article, fully aware of non-payment—an act deemed fraudulent.

(e) A ventures into the realm of deceit by pawning non-diamond items as diamonds, prompting Z to lend money. The intentional misinformation characterizes this act as cheating.

(f) A, with the intent of not repaying, deceives Z into believing in repayment assurances for a loan—a clear instance of cheating.

(g) Tricky situations arise when A induces Z to believe in the forthcoming delivery of indigo plant quantity, securing advances. If A intends to break the contract post obtaining money, it qualifies as cheating.

(h) A duplicitous scenario unfolds when A convinces Z of fulfilling a contractual obligation, inducing Z to make a payment. A’s failure to fulfill the contract post-payment constitutes cheating.

(i) The complexities deepen when A, fully aware of a prior sale, sells or mortgages the property without disclosing the earlier transaction. This deliberate act to gain purchase or mortgage money qualifies as cheating.

The Legal Ramifications

The severity of consequences for cheating under Section 318 is outlined in subsequent clauses.

(2) The basic act of cheating invites imprisonment of up to three years, a fine, or both.

(3) If the act of cheating is committed with the knowledge that it is likely to cause wrongful loss to a person whose interests the perpetrator was bound to protect, the punishment escalates to imprisonment for up to five years, a fine, or both.

(4) The gravest scenario unfolds when cheating results in the dishonest inducement of delivering property or tampering with valuable securities. The penalty includes imprisonment for a term extending to seven years, coupled with a fine.


In the labyrinth of legalities, Section 318 of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita emerges as a formidable guardian against deceptive practices. Its comprehensive definitions and stringent consequences underline the commitment to preserving justice and protecting individuals from the ramifications of fraudulent inducements. As the legal landscape continues to evolve, the efficacy of such provisions becomes paramount in upholding the pillars of fairness and integrity.

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